Transforming lives - one client, one participant at a time.
The Seventh Learning College Principle
A Framework for Transformational Change
How can student affairs divisions and other organizations transform to become more learning-centered?
The learning college concept has been the most popular reform model for post-secondary-education since Terry O’Banion authored The Learning College for the 21st Century (AACC 1997). The Seventh Learning College Principle is a unique resource for institutions wanting to acquire additional knowledge on the adoption of the learning college concept and on transforming into a more learner-centered organization.
This groundbreaking text is one of the first national efforts to examine the learning college concept, its six principles, and the change process as it applies to institutions and student affairs divisions. Further, lead editor and author Harvey-Smith drew on her recent research at community colleges to add a seventh principle to the learning college concept as the foundation for all other principles.
The Seventh Learning College Principle is a valuable resource for all institutional types and sizes, especially community colleges.