Transforming lives - one client, one participant at a time.
Consulting Expertise
A. B. Harvey-Smith is a dynamic consultant who believes in customizing services to fit your diverse needs, and providing personalized attention one client at a time. Independent consulting services and presentations have been provided successfully aiding organizations to achieve positive outcomes. Services are provided to a richly diverse client base with a unique focus on leadership, learning and success including:
- Implementing the Seventh Learning College Principle
- Implementing an Innovative 10 Stage Framework for Transforming Learning Organizations
- Instruction on How To Become An Authentic Learning Organization
- Establishing Cultures of CARE (Compassion, Appreciation, Respect and Empowerment)
- Understanding and Appreciating Organizational Culture
- Strategically Transforming Culture To Introduce Change
- Moving Through Change to Transformation
- Evolving Strategic Organizational Cultures and Strategic Planning
- Team Building
- Authentic Communication
- Leadership Development